Saturday, May 29, 2010

My condition

Hey to everyone wh is reading my blogs.  I understand this is a blog for understanding medicine through my own view but I just wanted to take this time to get my stress off me as my own therapy. 

The reason why I didn't write for a few weeks because I was busy looking and hoping for a job.  I am a victim of a family crime in which all of my posessions were stolen from me, worth $3 million by my own biological mother.  During this time, I had to hurry up and finish my medical schooling just to come home and help her take care of my dying father.  After him passing away, that's when my mom commited the crime. 

So I am currently living off the money I had saved in my bank.  Not believing my luck was so terrible, no one, I mean no one would hire me.  Walmart, Target, Boston Market, Taco Bell, all have better people to help.  I can't work in the medical field here because I don't have connections nor without a license can I work. 

I started this blog hoping I can monetinize on people who read my blogs can click on the ads and maybe I can get a little bit of money.  Sadly, I am still new to the internet business and am frustruated on where I will be living in the next month.  Am trying the ebay business but no one is looking for the products I have out there. 

The only way I keep positive is to stay positive.  I will never give up.  What's the worse case scenario?  living in my car.  I can live with that. 

Ok, thanks for reading.  Once I clear my mind knowing I have an income, I will get back to writing my favorite subject about medicine.  ;p  God bless.